Diablo 3 Eternal Collection PC Games Review

By Jamison Jones / November 21, 2018

Blizzard returns to work for a big N-console and Nintendo Switch takes one of its most beloved by the players; Diablo 3 games

Since the new Millennium American company Blizzard had not collaborated with Nintendo to launch one of their games. Diablo 3 games are the best pc video games every relised from Blizzard. It was Starcraft 64 for the Nintendo 64 cartridges console and despite not having features online-enabled multiplayer split-screen and even new content in the form of missions. Without going into battles over whether it was or not a convincing adaptation, it is true that desire to enjoy other intellectual properties of the American company there is.

All expected that Blizzard would Nintendo with Switch, especially seeing the success of Hearthstone and its adaptability to touch screens and portable systems. It was a single thought, and perhaps the most logical but creative minds behind World of Warcraft decided it would be better to present in Kyoto with another proposal, Diablo 3 games. The relationship between both companies has worked so well that we now have on the table a more than worthy conversion of this multiplayer RPG and action game with content updated to which have dubbed Eternal Collection.

Port height

And it is that Blizzard has carried out a grand gesture by moving the original already seen experience on computers but also on consoles PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One to the hybrid of Nintendo without releasing ballast of any kind. The game behaves beautifully, although that itself, at the cost of losing resolution in the image both connected to our TV as holding the machine in our hands. But despite working at 960 p mode dock, the action shown on screen with great clarity and little or nothing are going to miss a Full HD resolution. And what is better, to 60 active and sturdy frames per second occurs what happens on screen. And believe us, we have tried to stress the console a thousand times.

If we choose to play to Diablo 3: Eternal Games Collection in portable format low resolution up to the 720 p but with identical results as in classic mode. The action is not interrupted at any time by delays in the image and view still looking spectacular. Yes, it is true that feels something more than the loss of resolution when compared to other machines but enough as to realize but do not disturb in game. That Yes, some texts too reduce their size and sometimes it is difficult to understand at first glance. Luckily the adventure goes to pause if we enter into the menu alone and enough time to read with calm being not so if we play with friends. No matter the modern times, card games will always stay popular among players, because is a perfect combination of personality, skills, and luck. Poker games are thrilling to play even if there is no money involved. Practice poker playing online, master the game, to start playing in a poker tournament.

The adaptation of the controls is not as comfortable as the original computer, but Blizzard has managed to get out to the Nintendo Switch button to create a convenient, effective and logical configuration. We can also use the remote control Pro – with which it shares configuration – to play to Diablo 3: Eternal Games Collection and ubiquitous game mode with only a JoyCon that works beautifully if we use the attach left since the law is something else cumbersome. And if you ask, Yes, it is possible to play two people at the same time with just a couple of JoyCon, even without choosing another profile of the console at the expense of not to use their way online or the classical seasons.

The Devil Wears Prada

In game modes, it is not over emphasize that cartridge came with everything available and updated their older siblings. This also includes the Way adventure unlocked home seasons, contracts, arenas as well as expansions Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer – with their respective classes added in each one of them-. For example currently both pc video games and console servers support currently the season 15, which is available in the home version of Nintendo Switch. Similar to other consoles, Diablo 3: Eternal Games Collection does not allow the connection with our Battle.net account to save progress or contact friends. And what about the crossplay? At the moment no, but who knows in the future…

Cooperation through Nintendo Online – or the skirmishes – they work great and, of course, need to have an active subscription to the service to enjoy the game through the network of networks. We have done several tests, and all the experience has been satisfactory but hardly delay in games. It is assumed that pc video games featuring a voice chat through the Nintendo Online APP, but by the time or the mobile app has been updated to support the above or is there any way within the own game to open a communication by voice.

Although it may sound obvious Diablo 3: Eternal Games Collection for Nintendo Switch is an almost obligatory purchase. A perfect conversion for the hybrid of the big N that brings exclusive added armor of Ganondorf to transmogrify our team, a portrait of The Legend of Zelda, wings of embellishment and a cuckoo pet that will pick up on the money that releases the enemies die. The only negative point we find in its price, twenty euros above the other versions, sixty euros compared to forty of PS4 and Xbox One.


If you still are those who have not tried Diablo 3 games and possess a console Nintendo Switch, you’ll be glad to know that Diablo 3: Eternal Games Collection for the hybrid is a great adaptation of the original PC video games. Performance in the small machine half of “Pocket” table is exceptional for lots of action that goes on your small screen, and the controls are perfectly adapted to their control panel. It is a luxury you can enjoy all the current content in the Palm of our hands or lie on the couch without losing an apex of quality. Purchase more than recommended despite being a game with more than six years old.

The Good

  • Smooth as silk at all times.
  • Stable online.
  • All the content is available.
  • Controls adapted wonderfully, even playing with a single JoyCon.

The Bad

  • Some texts to reduce their portable size.
About the author

Jamison Jones

31 yrs old Aircraft Preservation Manufacture (Buildings ) Catlin from Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, has numerous interests including dogs and gaming. Was particulary enthused after setting up a journey to Monastery and Site of the Escurial.

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