30 Must See E3 2012 Trailers & Demos

E3 is coming to a close for another year. Once again it was filled to the brim with new game announcements and trailers. Keeping track of it all was tricky, so we’ve put together 30 of the must see trailers and gameplay demos from this year’s event.

Watch Dogs

Beyond Two Souls


The Last of Us

Pikmin 3

Halo 4

Dead Space 3


Resident Evil 6

Lost Planet 3

DmC Devil May Cry

Paper Mario Sticker Star

Gears of War Judgement

Assassins Creed 3 / Liberation

Splinter Cell Blacklist

About the author

Jamison Jones

31 yrs old Aircraft Preservation Manufacture (Buildings ) Catlin from Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, has numerous interests including dogs and gaming. Was particulary enthused after setting up a journey to Monastery and Site of the Escurial.