Kinect Star Wars Launch Trailer Released

With just days to go until its worldwide release, Microsoft Game Studios and LucasArts have unveiled the launch trailer for Kinect Star Wars.

Depicting a handful of ordinary people taking up the roles of Jedi and Rancors, it’s about as cheesy a video as you’re likely to see this week, but when you consider who the new title is aimed at then its promotional angle may not seem so obscure and misjudged.

Kinect Star Wars boasts five different modes: Jedi Challenge, Dark Side Destiny, Podracing, Rancor Rampage and (shudder) Galactic Dance-Off. That last one is still held in much scorn by the majority of fans. However, the gameplay footage so far has looked promising to say the least, and I would say that if Lucas followers give this one a chance they will probably find there’s a good weekend’s worth of entertainment on offer here.

Will this be the definitive Kinect experience, though? You’ll have to wait until our review to find out! Kinect Star Wars is out on April 3rd.

About the author

Jamison Jones

31 yrs old Aircraft Preservation Manufacture (Buildings ) Catlin from Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, has numerous interests including dogs and gaming. Was particulary enthused after setting up a journey to Monastery and Site of the Escurial.