All posts in "Xbox 360"

Confessions of a Gamer – Episode 1

By Jamison Jones / March 29, 2012

Confessions of a Gamer – Episode 1: “I’m not ready for next-gen” A bi-weekly column about a gamer and his deepest secrets. The next-generation of gaming is looming over our heads like a dormant atom bomb, methodically waiting for a chance to detonate. Code names are being thrown at us left and right, release dates […]


Review: Rayman 3 HD

By Jamison Jones / March 24, 2012

It may sound clichéd, but playing Rayman 3 HD really brought this writer back to the old days. I’m talking of the times where the days would stretch on forever. The times where you had to make one game last you for weeks because you didn’t have the money to buy anymore. That was ten […]

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